Thursday, June 24, 2010

Not so leading ladies

Happy Thursday, all!  Which is technically my Friday because I have tomorrow off, but I'll sadly probably end up working anyway because there are energy bills out the woozah and someone's got to keep 'em straight around here.  Mkay?

A few observations worth mentioning:

1.  It was over 90 degrees when I ran this morning (at 5:45am!) and after my four miles of speedwork on the national mall, it took an ice cold shower + two hours in the air conditioning before my face no longer felt (and looked) ON FIRE.  My God.  I love oppressive heat but it was nuts y'all!  I looked like I was fresh out of labor and delivery the entire morning.

2.  I finished an intriguing podcast this morning on Lillie Langtry, a British actress from the 20s who was once renowned as the "most beautiful woman in the world."  Her beauty inspired a number of literary characters at the time, and she was even mistress to the future king of England, Edward VII.  So you can imagine how desperate I was to google image search this broad the minute I walked into my office this morning.  (drum roll) After the historical buildup and anticipation, I feast my eyes upon our English beauty: I missing something?  Lillie Langtry looks like a DUDE y'all.  I mean, she's no serious eyesore, but I certainly question the judgment of whomever named her the world's elusive beauty du jour.  What in the sam hill?

3.  An even more scathingly b*tchy reaction, I'm aware, but I am SICK and TIRED of hearing about Farah Fawcett and seeing her ex-boyfriend Ryan O'Neal's ugly mug all over my television screen when I'm trying to watch the news in the morning.  Hey Farah, want to know why nobody sensationalized your death like Michael Jackson's?  Why oh why was it not nearly as interesting?  Maybe it has something to do with the documentary you made of yourself, couched in the terms of some philanthropic cause, when really it was your last hoorah of self-serving exhibitionism.  It wasn't even news because we'd all watched it (by we I of course don't mean me) on HBO reruns for the past six months!  I don't want to watch any more footage of Farah and Ryan reuniting with their drug loser convict son and I don't want to see any more of them crying over each other when their private lives were a complete disaster because they were both self-obsessed narcissists.  You lived a glamorous, fabulous life and you chose to be a terrible parent, wife, friend, and overall public personality. Your number is up honey and I'm sick of seeing and hearing your long-lasting encores via your good friend Alana Stewart and your pathetic ex boyfriend Ryan O'Neal.

Boy do I feel better (assuming lightning isn't going to strike me dead for talking trash about the dearly departed).


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