Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Snaps for my knee!

Great news:  I ran this morning (well, that's great in itself as I just returned from my trip last night and I normally don't make it out of bed at 5am the mornings subsequent to travel) and I'm back and ready to train!  I gradually built up my mileage over an entire month and it was torture.  I mean, seriously y'all, if I'm not going to clock at least 3 to 4 miles, it's usually not even worth the effort of getting on my sweet fitness gear and Gator cap.  But I finally ran 3.5 miles this morning with NO knee pain.  It'll be hard to continue adding mileage as gradually, but I'll do it and hopefully be on track for my next marathon in no time.  Woot!

And the most enjoyable part of my run:  I'm on a major ABBA kick after watching Mamma Mia with my sweet momma this week.  (It was terribly corny and I wouldn't recommend it, but it was highly entertaining!)  We absolutely died watching Pierce Brosnan bust it on camera.  The man canNOT sing y'all.  So I set my ipod to ABBA Gold and reminisced back to the trainwreck scene which should have never made it out of the studio:

Happy Wednesday and stay cool!  The heat index was 105 degrees when I was in Florida and I loved every second of it...  xo

1 comment:

  1. yay! Glad to hear the knee is behaving! Love the Legally Blond reference!

    Couldn't agree more about Mama Mia....all the screaming drove me nuts...and yet, I often get "dot, dot, dot...." stuck in my head! Go figure. I guess I just need the sound track, and I'll just skip the horrid Brosnan remixes!
