Thursday, April 22, 2010

Silver lining

I'm off the ledge since my last post and I now I want to convince everyone that I don't hate my job. Again, I'm grateful to have a job, and a very interesting one at that. Where else will someone ask me to write a white paper on carbon sequestration liability? And when else will our country find itself in such critical times regarding energy policy? I may work with some nitwits, but the first thing we learned in law school was that you can't choose your clients. And sometimes you can't really choose your boss. It turns out you can't over-educate yourself out of those professional shortfalls. I will, however, share one of the best things about my job: the lifestyle! I work (give or take) 40 hour weeks, which leaves plenty of time for French class at L'Alliance Francaise (the educational arm of the French embassy)! This winter I enjoyed a current events class taught by an indescribable woman whose day job is a trilingual diva at the World Bank and was the star polo player for the Iranian national team in a past life (we were all mesmerized with helpless girl crushes). In mid-May, I'll start a weekly course devoted to reading and discussing this book:

AND, in the meantime, during my mad rush to catch up on all of the history I missed in my secondary education via podcast, I discovered this gem:

Free French lessons on the metro. Or at home while I'm drinking wine in my underwear.

Why do people spend money on cable television again?!

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome! Sometimes I wish I was as culturally ambitious as you....I'm a failure at language though, I can read Spanish ok, but only French if it is related to food! haha.

    Can't wait to see you in June! :)
