Monday, May 10, 2010

Fountainhead preview

I finished the Fountainhead last night and while as a general rule I insist on writing the full book review post-book-club, let me spoil it for you and say I loved it and Ayn Rand articulated many things I have felt very strongly but never managed to accumulate into such a comprehensive body of thought- a true philosophy not intended for the faint of heart or spirit (and I'm not only saying this because it was 700 pages). Right up there with Catcher in the Rye in inciting urges of (1) disappointment I hadn't read it earlier in life; and (2) complete empowerment.

If you have any interest in architecture (purely optional), combined with any interest in professional achievement while to thine own self being true (i.e., not a politician or other - pardon my french - social or professional slut), do yourself a favor and pencil in the next month or so of your reading social calendar. Y'all won't regret it.

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