Tuesday, November 23, 2010


My what momentum this splendid year has had!  Thanksgiving is already upon us and it feels like just yesterday I was flip-flopping on DC's steamy sidewalks, barely able to find an hour cool enough to fit in my morning run.  Now I'm preparing for sister and Jonny to pick me up at 6am on my corner (WORK IT, OWN IT) so we can head for the Smokies for 5 days of family fun.  I am beyond excited to spend the entire time with mumsie (and of course the tiny sheriff), sipping vino, laughing, and sharing stream of consciousness thoughts and ideas as I am only truly capable of doing with mumsie herself.  All with the beautiful backdrop of eastern Tennessee and the cool, soothing lake Cheleque!

More than ever I find myself at a loss of where to start counting my blessings.  I have been blessed more than I could've ever imagined; never when I was a little girl growing up in our trailer sweet trailer (for reals) did I dream I'd be an accomplished city femme, calling my own shots, traveling the planet and keeping world class company.  Especially in light of some of the stories I've heard of mumsie's students this year:  one in particular is a heart-wrenching tale of a kid who never had a chance and will always struggle to eat, read, work - things we all take for granted.  Reality checks are important and have their way of bringing me down from my educated, well-dressed, well-traveled circles of friends and colleagues.  And even though my involvement with Washington's Junior League has been mostly limited to fundraising and enabling wealthy women to shop at events, I'm coming off a fulfilling weekend of helping raise around $200,000 to give directly back to literacy causes in Washington - a cause I hope to continue supporting any way I can.  All of that random shiz being said, this year's perspective makes me more thankful than ever for:

1.  My life.  My decisions haven't always been easy, and I sometimes worried I was walking away from what I'd always been told equalled happiness.  But things truly do happen for a reason and trusting that has led me to an amazing existence in a fantastic city, doing stimulating work I believe in.  I worked hard, but that was only a small part of getting here, and I'm deeply thankful for all of the help I've had along the way.

2.  My mom.  She has always been the most supportive person in my life, and now that I'm the age she was when she was raising two kids as a single mother (at a whopping salary of $8,600 I just learned!), I'm more amazed than ever at her strength and resourcefulness.  I don't know anyone else who could've done what you did, Mom, and Kaycee and I are the women we are because of you.

3.  My support network. Between family and friends, I have never felt helpless or alone for one moment in my life.  What an amazing blessing.

4.  Books and wine and Taylor Swift.


Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and do enjoy every moment you spend with your family.  You never know when you'll live far from home and those moments will be rare and precious!


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