Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Family fun days

Happy summer daze all!  I am just back from a fun family weekend with the Smiths, who joined my sister and I up in the Mid-Atlantic for the hottest day ever in DC history- a whopping 106 degrees on Saturday.  Yikes (extra yikes because I ran 11 miles that morning and nearly expired).  But we took the heat in stride given that we're all hot-blooded Floridians, and we thoroughly enjoyed our time at the Marriott Ranch in Hume, VA.

Despite the fact that we arrived to find a massive Mormon celebration (Didn't y'all know that the Marriotts are Mormons??  Open up the telephone table drawer next time you visit one and you'll find a strategically placed Book of Mormon where you'd normally find a Gideon Bible), the crazies quickly dispersed and left us to a peaceful weekend in our natural habitat:  the sticks.  We explored the lovely Front Royal, VA, and escaped the afternoon heat in the town's quaint movie theater to see "Salt," the newest DC-themed Angelina Jolie flic.  Not my typical weekend activity, but I did enjoy the action, much of which was filmed in front of my glamorous (not) federal office building!  I kept my eyes peeled for the girl in full suit and city-commuter flip flops, fumbling with her two blackberries on her way home from working on the energy bill (which FAILED.  SADNESS.), but alas, my film debut was not in the cards.  I'll stick with plan A and hold out for the role of Lady Brett Ashley, originally cast as Ava Garnder, in the remake of Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises" (not that I've thought about this or anything).

As a result of the Smiths coming in two waves this week (brother came and went before parents and sister arrived), I spent and re-spent a good chunk of the weekend in the Newseum, a real gem of a one-stop-shop for the last 100 years of American history as seen through the eyes of the media.  Because of the redo venue, I spent most of the second trip frantically finishing Lolita in a corner on the second floor and I'm pretty sure most of the tourists were convinced I was some weird introverted perv. 

All in all a great weekend of good, clean (err...mostly) family fun!


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